Town of Butner recently issued the following announcement.
Please find attached the September 3 meeting agenda with and without attachments.
Butner Town Council will hold their regular monthly meeting on September 3, 2020, beginning at 7:00 PM. To comply with measures to slow and prevent COVID-19, The Town is offering two options to listen and provide Public Comment.
1. Written comments should be submitted in writing by NOON on September 3, to Town Clerk Barbara Rote at Your comments will be read during the meeting.
You can listen to the meeting through a Zoom Meeting call-in option.
Please dial 301 715 8592 or 312 626 6799. When prompted, enter 1) Meeting ID: 897 8368 7273#, 2) just the # sign, and 3) Password: 028899#
2. If you choose to attend in person, cloth face coverings (masks) and social distancing of at least 6-feet from other individuals, with the exception of family or household members, are required.
If you do not want to submit comments, but would like to listen remotely to the September 3 meeting, please follow the instructions above for calling through Zoom Meeting.
Please contact Town Clerk, Barb Rote at 919-575-3109 for questions.
Please note:
- Town Offices will be closed for regular business on Monday September 7 in observance of the Labor Day Holiday
- Please join us on September 10 for the Imagine Butner 2040 Plan Open House from 9 AM – 7 PM. Come and provide input on planning our future growth and development. The Open House will be set up to accommodate COVID-19 requirements.