North Carolina ranks fifth-worst when it comes to replying to the 2020 Census. | Stock Photo
North Carolina ranks fifth-worst when it comes to replying to the 2020 Census. | Stock Photo
North Carolina's low 2020 Census reply is pushing the state toward a situation where it could risk losing its share of $1.5 trillion in federal funding.
An Aug. 28 report in The Caswell Messenger said approximately 1.6 million households have not responded to the 2020 Census, making it the fifth-highest state with a lack of a response. Though high, it is still better-positioned than Texas, which leads the way with 3.7 million households that have not answered.
Approximately 64% of Americans have completed the Census, The Caswell Messenger reported. North Carolina said that 60% have responded as of Aug. 18.
Self-response and field data collection will end Sept. 30, meaning that North Carolina residents who have not responded have less than 30 days to complete the Census online or by mail.
The Census is used to determine the number of House representatives and federal funding each state gets based on the total population, which is calculated by submitting the form.